
The art of dynamic leadership: Rapid fire with Iman Al Qasim

In today's fast-changing world, the style of leadership is becoming increasingly important. Leaders are constantly challenged to address issues, evolve to make strategic and empathetic decisions, and seek inspiration to become dynamic and progressive. This is a concern for both experienced leaders and the new generation of leaders alike.

In this exclusive rapid-fire session with Iman Al Qasim, Executive VP Human Capital at Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), People Matters explored some of the most thought-provoking questions that Middle East leaders are eager to find answers to.

Watch the video, and check out Iman’s detailed insights on futuristic and resilient leadership style in the Middle East's dynamic business and talent landscape.

What is the primary challenge that leaders currently face in organisational transformation?

I believe the primary challenge is the lack of speed, particularly in terms of delivery. This is a significant issue that leaders face personally. Therefore, ensuring that leaders possess agility is our top priority.

How would you define HR leadership in one sentence? 

To serve with humility, simply.

What is the most crucial quality in a future leader for fostering change?

I believe the most crucial quality for leaders is the ability to adapt to change. This adaptability to different environments is essential for the speed of change, not just change itself. 

How frequently should we revisit our human capital strategy?

I think the human capital strategy or any strategy per se, should be refreshed on an annual basis. While we develop a longer-term strategy over a five-year period, at EGA, we have a five-year strategy that we continually refresh every five years. Annually, we review this strategy to ensure it includes necessary adjustments and remains aligned with our goals.

What is the most effective approach for global leadership development in talent acquisition and management?

I think - Flexibility is the key. The new world post-COVID demands flexibility in how we employ people. It can no longer be one person dedicated to one organisation or one person in an eight-hour role. Some people prefer project-based roles, while others may want roles that are only a few times a week or that allow them to work with multiple clients. Therefore, flexibility should be the new approach to talent acquisition.

Where do you find inspiration from? What keeps you engaged as a progressive leader?

I believe we all have people who inspire us. For me, the inspiration comes from the leadership of the UAE. They are incredibly agile and adaptable to change, unafraid to make necessary changes. May God bless them. I draw my strength and motivation from their example. You can see their pictures on my wall in the background. Whenever I face a challenge, I remind myself that no obstacle is too big to overcome because of the beautiful and amazing leadership guiding us in the UAE. That's where I get my inspiration from.

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