
Future of work depends on these 10 skills

The labour market is undergoing significant changes due to economic pressures, geopolitical threats driving talent mobility, and technological advancements reshaping how we work. Many jobs with AI integrations have been automated, pushing talent in the job market to develop essential skills needed for success in the future workplaces. Recent reports have highlighted that top skills, including AI, cybersecurity, and green skills, are a must for future jobs. Another study found that Middle Eastern workplaces are mandating these skills, especially AI and cybersecurity, in several functions, including IT, HR, and legal. Therefore, embracing these trending skills will ensure talent sustainability in the evolving job market, along with soft skills such as agility, digital literacy, leadership, and problem-solving.

This article explores the top skills in demand for the future of work that experienced as well as, fresh talent can upskill in to ensure a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving job landscape.

The 10 in demand skills for future jobs

#1 AI and GenAI skills

Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence is a cornerstone of today’s job market, with every industry adopting and integrating new technologies to automate various tasks. The regional government is rapidly advancing toward AI adoption to improve the quality of work and life. Majority of the organisations too have established programmes and initiatives to incorporate AI and machine learning into their operations. Skills in interdisciplinary areas such as AI strategy, applying AI within specific business processes, communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, and ensuring ethical considerations are now highly valued. However, for employers, finding local talent skilled in AI is a challenge, making these skills highly demanded and, as a result, highly paid. Therefore, the first and foremost professional ability one needs to learn, if not master, is AI skills.

While AI includes technologies that enable machines to perform tasks that require human-like intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving, GenAI is a specialised branch of AI that focuses on creating new, original content like text, images, and music by mimicking human creativity. Both offer equal threats and opportunities to the job market.

Here are some of the key AI skills to master for future jobs:

  • AI automation skills - Using AI tools to automate repetitive and mundane tasks saves time by employing commands for efficiency, allowing them to focus on more complex and strategic activities, as well as dedicate time to building relationships both internally and externally. 
  • Data-driven decisions making - Learning AI skills for analysing large datasets to uncover patterns, predict trends, and make informed decisions. Talent skilled in data science, including handling, analysing, and deriving insights from large datasets using statistical and computational techniques, has become crucial as organisations rely on data to drive successful business outcomes. 
  • AI ethics - Understanding the ethical implications of AI, including bias, fairness, and societal impact, is essential. These skills can be applied across various roles, including HR and finance, where tasks like talent acquisition, payroll, employee engagement, and performance management can be automated to create a human-like experience.
  • GenAI skills - Leveraging AI for creative and productive enhancements ensures talent remains competitive and contributes to an organisation’s growth and innovation. With tools like AI chatbots, ChatGPT, and AWS, talent can evolve and stay ahead of new developments. Continuously enhancing one's skill set, especially for designers, software developers, content creators, and e-commerce professionals, is key to long-term career success.

#2 Digital skills

Apart from AI skills, there are key digital skills that have become essential for the workforce today especially as the work dynamics have evolved and many organisations operate in either remote or hybrid mode, managing global workforce. Therefore the following skills have become essential for the employees: 

  • Team collaboration - Using digital tools to collaborate effectively with team members maintains efficiency, productivity, and helps resolve critical issues. The remote work culture enhances the organisation’s talent pool with technical proficiency, and employees who use these technologies efficiently are hired more quickly compared to those who struggle to understand them.
  • Research skills - In a digital world overflowing with information, and with risks linked to GenAI, data reliability often comes into question. Therefore, employees need to master additional research and fact-checking skills to ensure the data provided by AI technologies is reliable and suitable for business decision-making. Moreover, these research skills help employees navigate the workplace more effectively, as employers seek talent that stays ahead of trends and technologies.

#3 Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly important as organisations prioritise mental wellness and fitness. Knowing what to say, how to react, when to react, and showing empathy and understanding of others' feelings and perspectives improve collaboration and strengthen employee relationships. Employees with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to attain leadership roles, which is quite evident within the leadership circles of Middle Eastern nations. Similarly, these strong leaders also rely on employees with good emotional intelligence and trust them to build loyal and productive teams. Furthermore, emotional intelligence is crucial in the region to understand cultural nuances and social life. Employers seek talent with such EQ to enhance diversity and inclusion in the workplace, helping them thrive by embracing varied perspectives and experiences.

#4 Agility 

Agility is becoming increasingly important as organisations adapt to rapid changes and uncertainties in the business environment. Talent skilled with abilities to quickly respond to market shifts, customer needs, and new technologies is essential for staying competitive. Those who demonstrate agility can pivot efficiently, embrace change, and drive innovation for their organisation. Additionally, agile leaders foster a culture of continuous improvement and resilience, enabling their organisations to navigate challenges effectively. 

In the Middle East, where economic and technological landscapes are constantly evolving, agility is a highly sought-after skill. Employers value agile talent that can enhance organisational flexibility, support growth, and contribute to long-term success by swiftly adapting to diverse and dynamic conditions.

#5 Cybersecurity skills: 

Cybersecurity skills are essential for protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks, especially as cyber threats become more sophisticated. The MENA region has seen a 17 per cent increase in learners of cybersecurity, driven by the high demand for experts due to the costly impact of cyberattacks. Some of the key areas to learn in cybersecurity are:

  • Data encryption - Understanding and implementing encryption techniques to secure data during transmission and storage, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and protected from unauthorised access.
  • Cyber risk assessment - Identifying and evaluating potential security risks to an organisation’s information systems. This involves conducting vulnerability assessments and developing strategies to mitigate identified risks.
  • Ethical hacking - Testing and hacking ethically to identify and fix security vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. 
  • Incident response - Effectively responding to security breaches and attacks by detecting breaches, containing the impact, eradicating the threat, recovering data and systems, and conducting post-incident analysis to prevent future occurrences.
  • Compliance and legal knowledge - Understanding relevant laws, regulations, and standards related to data protection and cybersecurity, to ensure the organisation complies with legal requirements and best practices for maintaining data privacy and security.
  • Network security - Protecting the organisation's network infrastructure from possible threats by configuring firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, ensuring secure network architecture, and monitoring network traffic for unusual activities that may indicate a breach.
  • Cybersecurity awareness training - This is a job role in itself, wherein corporate trainers with cybersecurity expertise educate teams about cybersecurity best practices, maintaining security hygiene, and training them to identify phishing attempts, creating strong passwords, and safe internet browsing habits.

#6 Leadership skills 

Organisations need leaders who can drive innovation, nurture work culture, and foster a competitive edge in the market. Therefore, developing these essential skills can reflect talent as a leadership potential:

  • Analytical Skills - Effective leaders make informed decisions by interpreting data and aligning choices with strategic organisational goals.
  • Creative problem solving skills -  Leaders who develop innovative solutions provide their organisations with a competitive advantage in an ever-changing job market.
  • Strategic thinking skills - Balancing short-term goals with long-term planning is vital in today’s dynamic environment, ensuring sustainable growth and adaptability.
  • Conflict resolution skills - Leaders who effectively address all the employee concerns and ease tensions, foster a healthy work enviroment, where team members feel included and valued. 
  • People development skills - Investing in and mentoring employees is essential for nurturing talent and promoting continuous learning, growth and development within the organisation.

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#7 Green skills 

Green skills are becoming increasingly important as organisations prioritise sustainability and environmental responsibility goals. Learning eco-friendly practices and innovations that promote a healthier planet has become crucial to navigate the climate crisis. The essential green skills in demand in the current job market are:

  • Sustainable Practices - Understanding and implementing practices that reduce environmental impact, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing.
  • Renewable Energy - Knowledge of using renewable energy sources and technologies, including solar, wind, and bioenergy, to support the transition to a clean energy future.
  • Environmental management - Skills in managing environmental projects, assessing impacts, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Green Innovation - Developing innovative solutions to address environmental challenges, from creating sustainable products to designing eco-friendly processes.

#8 Entrepreneurial skills 

Organisations today seek talent with an entrepreneurial mindset to foster innovation and creativity, within corporate environments. These entrepreneurial skills empower employees to drive change and add value to their teams and organisations. It's no longer just 'out-of-the-box' thinking that represents creative and innovative minds. Employees need to learn to develop trending but unique business solutions and ideas that make the business stand out in the competitive market. By embracing an entrepreneurial mindset, employees can contribute to their organisation's success, demonstrating initiative and the ability to think creatively. This not only enhances personal career growth but also propels the organisation toward greater achievements.

#9 Project management skills

A crucial skill for top management roles, project management ensures successful task completion in alignment with organisational goals. Employers may not always list this skill explicitly, but it is an essential requirement in today’s competitive market with time-effective business goals. Learning to effectively outline project scope, objectives, and timelines ensures clear direction and efficient resource allocation. Additionally, facilitating transparent and regular communication among team members and stakeholders keeps everyone aligned and informed. Identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them ensures projects stay on track despite uncertainties. Furthermore, inspiring and motivating team members, fostering collaboration, and resolving conflicts are vital to maintaining a productive working environment.

#10 Time management skills

Time management skills are crucial for every job role today to maximise productivity and achieve goals efficiently. These skills help employees prioritise tasks, ensuring that critical deadlines are met and key objectives are achieved as planned. With detailed schedules and to-do lists, one can allocate time effectively for each objective. Time management is also a crucial element in performance reviews, as employees with these skills set clear, achievable goals, providing direction and motivation, and ensuring efforts are aligned with desired outcomes. Additionally, effective time management enhances team management skills by allowing employees to allocate tasks to appropriate team members, distribute workload efficiently, and utilise everyone's strengths.

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