
81% Asian talent sees UAE emerging as global tech hub

A recent survey found that 76 per cent of Asian workers, including tech professionals from India and Singapore, feel the UAE offers a supportive environment for the tech industry.

The survey, in which over 1,000 tech professionals from Singapore, India, Hong Kong, and Vietnam participated via a poll conducted by, also revealed key insights into the willingness of talent to relocate to the UAE. Better health and insurance packages, attractive salaries, and a high quality of life were identified as the main reasons for global talent to move to the region. According to 81 per cent of respondents, the UAE is emerging as a global tech hub, which is one of the key reasons for their interest in relocating. Other key findings from the survey included:

UAE shines as a preferred global work destination: Around 45 per cent of respondents expressed a strong desire to relocate to the UAE for work, compared to 38 per cent for Germany and 20 per cent for Hong Kong. However, 46 per cent still prefer Singapore, 57 per cent favour the UK, and 52 per cent lean toward the United States.

The UAE government’s role: A striking 93 per cent of respondents highlighted the UAE government's support as the key factor behind the country’s growing reputation as a tech hub. They credited the government’s efforts in nurturing the tech industry, making the UAE a prime destination for international tech talent.

What makes the UAE so appealing?: About 74 per cent of tech professionals cited the UAE’s robust banking, visa, insurance, healthcare, and real estate services as major draws for relocation. Additionally, 60 per cent pointed to the high quality of life, 54 per cent mentioned attractive salaries, and 52 per cent emphasised the UAE’s strategic location as further reasons they’d be willing to move. Notably, 47 per cent of respondents are actively seeking to relocate, highlighting the UAE’s huge potential to attract and retain top tech talent.

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Tarik Chebib, CEO of in the Middle East, commented on the results, “With 8 in 10 respondents from our recent survey recognising the UAE as a competitive tech hub, it's clear that the region is gaining momentum as a favourable destination for tech talent. Asia’s tech professionals have traditionally gravitated to cities in the UK, the US and Singapore to further their careers, so it’s encouraging to see the UAE stand shoulder-to-shoulder with this cohort and get the recognition it deserves as an attractive location to live and work… We have seen first-hand the government’s commitment to support and grow the tech sector. The UAE’s business-friendly environment, forward-thinking policies, investment in innovation, and position as a gateway to the Middle East, Africa and Asia, makes it an ideal location for companies and talent alike. Employees are eager to relocate to a country that not only supports their personal needs but also provides fertile ground for further development within the tech sector.”

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