Qatar announces flexible and remote work for government workers
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The Civil Service and Government Development Bureau (CGB) has introduced a flexible and remote work system for government employees, to be effective from September 9, 2024 (Monday) onwards.
The initiative aims to help government employees achieve a work-life balance, especially the vulnerable groups such as working mothers and people with disabilities. The initiative will allow flexible working hours, provided that employees complete the required official hours without affecting the government agency's needs.
Announcing the initiative, CSGDB said, “In pursuit of flexibility and innovation in the government sector, the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau announces that the esteemed Council of Ministers has approved the flexible work and remote work system for government agencies, which will be implemented starting on 29/9/2024. This comes within the framework of achieving the human and social development pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030. This system represents a positive step towards realising the Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030 and promotes sustainability in government work environments. It will allow employees to balance their work and family responsibilities while empowering priority groups such as working mothers and people with disabilities.”
The key features of this flexible and remote working system will include:
Flexible work hours: Employees can start their workday as early as 6:30 am, and as late as 8:30 am. They have flexible working hours to complete seven hours of work daily without impacting work requirements or productivity.
Reduced work hours: Employees falling in the category of persons with disabilities, new mothers (two hours needed for nursing their newborns) or having special medical needs are allowed to get reduced work hours. They can also attend work late according to their reduced working hours, however, they need to complete the decided official work hours.
Remote work option: Employees can request to work remotely, from their Head of the Government office, and on proposal of the director of the administrative unit. However, the total number of employees allowed to work remotely must not exceed 30 per cent of the total employees strength in the administrative unit in each government agency, for a period of one week annually.
Remote work for Qatari mothers: Qatari mothers employed in government agencies are entitled to up to one month of remote work annually if they have children under the age of 12.
However, the flexible and remote working initiative is not available to shift-based employees or those whose job requirements are incompatible with remote work, such as site engineers.
Flexibility is a key factor that young talent values in the workplace, often more than a high salary. As a result, the Middle East is rapidly adopting new work models, such as flexible hours, reduced schedules, and remote work options.
Recently, Dubai's Government Human Resources (DGHR) Department introduced a four-day workweek, with a reduced seven-hour work day with Fridays off. Although the trial is set to end on September 30, 2024, it is expected to become permanent due to its benefits - improved employee performance, better work-life balance, and an enhanced quality of life. Similarly, KSA approved flexible work options, aiming to attract skilled talent and boost workforce stability by adopting modern work patterns and promoting flexibility.