Employee and employer relationship has evolved over the years with two-way communication and the rise of collaboration technologies. Stay up to date with the latest trends in employee relations and get insights to shape your employee relations programs.
Practical empathy, purposeful and meaningful recognition, and skill-building opportunities are some of the areas that organisations and leaders can focus on to build an engaged, innovative, and sustainable work cultures.
The program aims to develop comprehensive solutions for remote work by establishing laws and regulations and fostering collaboration between government and private employers, creating a more dynamic and accessible job market.
This holiday would mark the last paid day off for private sector employees in addition to their entitled paid leaves provided by their employers every year.
All private sector employees and domestic workers previously without insurance are now included in the scheme, offering competitive prices and minimal treatment costs to also ease employers' financial burden.
Private sector employers who fail to comply with these new rules will face penalties, including the suspension of work permit services and fines that will double with repeated violations.
HR is at the forefront of reshaping work culture into a positive one, and as part of the Human Happiness Centre, they bring forth new strategies to enhance employees' lives.