In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, IT skills are indispensable for business transformation and sustainability. Technology drives innovation and efficiency, serving as the backbone of organisations.

To drive enduring change, companies must identify the most valuable IT skills for their future requirements, varying across industries. Key trends include cybersecurity, cloud adoption, AI, and mobile technology.

In an exclusive conversation, Pallavi Verma, Senior Editor at People Matters, delves into IT skills development with Apratim Purakayastha, Skillsoft’s Chief Product and Technology Officer, exploring its pivotal role in securing an organisation's long-term viability and growth.

The video interaction covers:

  • Identifying valuable IT skills
  • Fostering a culture of continuous learning
  • Utilising online learning tools
  • The crucial leadership role in guiding these efforts

This conversation emphasises the urgent requirement for enterprises and leaders to stay abreast of technology's constant evolution. It highlights the importance of balanced learning strategies to thrive in the ever-changing digital environment. Additionally, it provides valuable insights and recommendations for businesses and leaders aiming to tackle challenges posed by rapid technological changes, ensuring competitiveness and adaptability in today's digital era.

Watch the complete video interview to gain insights on structuring IT skills to future-proof your business.